Welcome to the official website of the
Oak Grove Community Council
often called the "Oak Grove CPO" or OGCC
Our Purpose and Goals:
To bring together persons who share a common concern for the Oak Grove Community.
To inform Citizens in the Oak Grove Community of all proposed developments and/or changes in land use that will affect the area, and to provide an opportunity for Citizen input.
To make recommendations to Clackamas County regarding land use, including zoning, conditional use permits, residential and/or industrial development.
To organize Citizens in the Oak Grove Community to establish their own priorities for land use.
To provide the Oak Grove Community with a vehicle for establishing an organized two-way communication channel with public agencies and governmental organizations.
To aid the Oak Grove Community in preserving and enhancing neighborhoods.
To advise County, Regional, State, and Federal agencies about the Oak Grove Community's concerns and problems, and suggest solutions for same.
To provide opportunities for Service Districts to update, and receive feedback from, the Oak Grove Community on services offered.
Need help? Have a question?
Contact us by clicking the icon below or copying and pasting our email address into the "TO" line in an email.
Regular Council Business Meetings
The Community Council meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Note that some months have (5) Wednesdays.
Beginning December 2024 monthly meetings will take place in person and via Zoom.
In person meetings are held at the
Oak Lodge Water Services Building
located at 14496 SE River Road
at the intersection of SE River Road and SE Oak Grove Blvd. We encourage members to join us by Zoom if they are feeling unwell.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Additional meetings are also scheduled as needed.
We enthusiastically urge you to attend the meetings, join in the dialogue and meet your neighbors.
Upcoming OGCC Meetings for 2025:
7 pm in person and via Zoom
February 26, March 26, 2025, April 23
Recurring Zoom link / call-in number
for OGCC Meetings:
Meeting ID: 893 0130 4485
Passcode: OakGroveCC
Phone-in number: (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 893 0130 4485
Passcode: 510 9081 804
OGCC Board Meetings
The Executive Board of the OGCC meets every other month on the first Monday of the month, to review the previous months' meetings, set agendas for our next meeting and to discuss community events, land-use decisions and relevant issues affecting the Oak Grove community.
Board meetings are open to the public.
Upcoming OGCC Board Meetings:
March 3, May 5 2025
6:45 pm via Zoom
Recurring Zoom link for OGCC Board Meetings:
Meeting ID: 898 7415 3791
Passcode: 1stMonday